Dear members and friends of the DKG, dear colleagues, I would like to cordially invite you to CERAMICS 2021, the 96th Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Keramische Gesellschaft (DKG / German Ceramic Society). This event, which is open to all ceramists and those interested in ceramics, takes place virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic. "Virtual host" of KERAMIK 2021 is FZ Jülich. With almost 6,000 employees, FZ Jülich is one of the largest research institutions in Europe in the fields of energy, environment, bioeconomy as well as information technology and brain research. We lay the foundations for future key technologies and work to find viable solutions for complex and pressing societal issues through interdisciplinary research. Ceramic materials are of central importance in Jülich, as "hidden champions" for the energy transition technologies. The international orientation of the research centre is evidenced by the annual visit of 1,000 guest scientists from all over the world. The DKG Annual Meeting is also becoming increasingly international, and in 2021 we will be paying special attention to activities in France. We look forward in advance to the intensive exchange and future cooperation with our colleagues from Germany's first economic- European partner country. As Jülich is located in the EUREGIO, we would also like to warmly welcome our colleagues from the neighbouring countries Netherlands and Belgium. All further information can be found on this website. See you soon & A bientôt |